Despite the fact that your kids may indicate the contrary, despite media and social media influences, despite the influence of friends, research clearly and consistently demonstrates that parents are the most powerful influencer of their children's behaviors. But parenting can be tough. Alliance for Youth offers FREE resources, classes and online support for a variety of parenting topics.
For more information about Alliance for Youth’s Family Wellness , please contact Isis Olson, [email protected], (406) 952-0035.
These programs are supported by the Montana Children’s Trust Fund, United Way of Cascade County and Dennis & Phyllis Washington Foundation.
Nurturing Parenting (NP) is an evidence-based program designed to improve parents’ understanding of the needs of their children and improve appropriate parent responses to meet their children’s needs. Service provision encompasses parents with children ages 0-12 years. The program incorporates visually based teaching methodologies, reflective dialogue (provider-parent), social support networks, accountability, and observed and coached “practice” in application of newly learned skills. NP is accomplished through a combination of 12 facilitated, group education/skill building sessions and 1-5 individual skill building sessions. The number of individual sessions is based upon parent-child needs.
Parenting is hard, we believe we can support one another as we navigate parenthood and all the challenges that come with it. We are stronger together! Circle of Parents is a 4-week mutual parent support group led by trained professionals and parent peers for parents with school-aged children. These meetings are held in-person, are 1-Hour in duration, are a welcoming, and respectful environment for parents to learn & utilize the mutual self-help support model. Free dinner and childcare are provided!
This co-parenting course is for families going through divorce, separation, and custody changes. Parents Forever focuses on the whole family, and how this transition impacts each person. This one 6 hour in-person session will help co-parents to recognize how each family member is affected, as well as the role of self-care, a parent child relationship, and co-parenting in child wellbeing. They will also help parents successfully identify internal and external resources and strategize how to leverage these resources to promote resilience for all.
Parenting the Love and Logic way is a class where each session focuses on a different skill set for parents, utilizing real-life stories and humor! Love and Logic contains six in person meetings. It utilizes simple, logical, & effective tools and techniques that help parents achieve respectful, healthy relationships with their children, no matter the age.
Circle of Security Parenting classes teach parents how healthy attachment and relationships can decrease mental health issues, help your child develop higher self-esteem, and emotional stability. Using the evidence-based COSP model, these classes help parents enhance their relationship with their child. Ensuring they understand and support their child’s emotions, self-esteem, and sense of security. For parents with children ages 0-5 years old. This is an 8-week in-person course.
Family Conflict Resolution utilizes solution-based approaches with mindful & respectful mediation techniques. Provides follow-up support & referral to higher-level care if needed. Focuses on strengthening communication & relationship skills. For families with children of any age. Conflict resolution consists of three 2 hour in-person mediation sessions.
Peer Coaching Support Specialists use their personal experiences to develop meaningful and trusting relationships with parents in order to support and guide them as they embark on their parenting journey. This includes (but is not limited to) parents in recovery, parents navigating the challenges of divorce, parents navigating child removal situations, parents facing challenges with any behavioral/mental health disorders or concerns, and parents who are alone and need connection.
IDENTIFY: How trauma affects the body.
THINK: About very challenging topics and provide real solutions that can be used immediately.
LEARN: Healthy attachments in relationships.
EVALUATE: How to apply Love & Logic strategies.
ESTABLISH: Healthy boundaries, avoiding destructive power struggles, overcoming defiance, and guising these youth toward success.
IMPLEMENT: Skills and build hope.
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 2982
Great Falls, MT 59403-2982
Physical Address
3220 11th Ave. S.,
Great Falls, MT 59405
Need Support? Call (406) 952-0018
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